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Organization Endpoints

List Organizations

Returns all Organizations.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
nameName or portion of name you would like to use for searching/filtering.Search QueryStringFalse
show_deletedFilters organization results based on if they're deleted or not. This is useful for filtering out older deleted organizations.Search QueryBooleanFalse
orderSpecifies the order of the results. Use “asc” for ascending order, and “desc” for descending order.Search QueryStringFalse
order_bySpecifies the field of which the ordering should occur. For example, “name”, “url_slug”, etc.Search QueryStringFalse
offsetUsed to specify where to start a query.Search QueryInteger (String)False
limitUsed to specify the “page size” of the query.Search QueryInteger (String)False
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Details

Returns information about your customer entity.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Audit Trails

Returns Audit Trails for an account, constrained by a date range and a number of ways to filter & search for granular queries.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization IDURLStringTrue
searchFilters results if the provided string matches against a user's full name, email, idp, or the Audit Trail kind.Search QueryStringFalse
kindFilters Audit Trails by wildcard matching against the supplied string. For example, a kind of “launchpad” will return Audit Trails for both createLaunchpad and updateLaunchpad actions.Search QueryStringFalse
from_dateThe beginning date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
to_dateThe ending date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
offsetUsed to specify where to start a Audit Trails query. Must be used in conjunction with the limit parameter.Search QueryInteger (String)False
limitUsed to specify the “page size” of the Audit Trails query. Must be used in conjunction with the offset parameter.Search QueryInteger (String)False
orderSpecifies the order of the results. Use “asc” for ascending order, and “desc” for descending order.Search QueryStringFalse
order_bySpecifies the field of which the ordering should occur. For example, “session_start”, “session_duration”, etc.Search QueryStringFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Session Trails

Returns Session Trails based on a specified organization, time frame, and filters.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization IDURLStringTrue
searchFilters results if the provided string matches against Server ID, Session ID, email address, and a user's full name.Search QueryStringFalse
session_startThe beginning date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
session_endThe ending date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
instance_typeFilters Session Trails based on a specific instance type ID.Search QueryStringFalse
pool_group_typeFilters Session Trails based on the pool group server type: sandbox, production, utility, persistent_desktop_production, persistent_desktop_shadow.Search QueryStringFalse
pool_idFilters Session Trails based on provided instance type's pool ID.Search QueryStringFalse
offsetUsed to specify where to start a Session Trails query. Must be used in conjunction with the limit parameter.Search QueryInteger (String)False
limitUsed to specify the “page size” of the Session Trails query. Must be used in conjunction with the offset parameter.Search QueryInteger (String)False
orderSpecifies the order of the results. Use “asc” for ascending order, and “desc” for descending order.Search QueryStringFalse
order_bySpecifies the field of which the ordering should occur. For example, “session_start”, “session_duration”, etc.Search QueryStringFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization API Authorization Rules

Returns all Organization-level API keys that have been generated and their associated permissions.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Roles

Returns available roles and associated permission granted for the specified Organization.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization IDURLStringTrue
categoryFilters the results by the role category, e.g. "api"Search QueryStringTrue
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Cloud Services

Returns a list of registered Cloud Service Providers configured with Frame for a specified Organization.


Request Parameters

ParameterDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization ID.URLStringTrue
cloud_provider_idThe Frame cloud provider ID.Search QueryStringtrue
activeLists cloud services based on their “active” status.Search QueryBooleanFalse
omit_defaultIf true, omits Frame's default Cloud Services from the results.Search QueryBooleanFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Elasticity

Returns information on all customer instance elasticity.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization ID.URLStringTrue
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Settings

Returns all customer entity settings.

curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Overall Usage

Returns instance usage for the specified Organization constrained by a date range.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization IDURLStringTrue
from_dateThe beginning date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
to_dateThe ending date range for the query. The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.Search QueryISO 8601 UTC StringFalse
resolution_typeResolution Type: by_hour, by_day, by_month, by_yearSearch QueryStringFalse
server_typeFilters query based on a specific server ID.Search QueryStringFalse
pool_idFilters query based on provided instance type's pool ID.Search QueryStringFalse
instance_type_idFilters the usage by an instance type's “external” ID, e.g. “gateway-prod.3”.Search QueryStringFalse
datacenter_idLimits the results to a specific Datacenter by ID.Search QueryStringFalse
skip_if_byo_accountTrue/False boolean value determining if BYO results should be returned.Search QueryBooleanFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Disk Volume Usage

Returns disk volume usage statistics for specified Organization within a specified date range.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization ID.URLStringTrue
from_dateThe beginning date range for the query.The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.YYYY-MM-DD Date stringFalse
to_dateThe ending date range for the query.The date needs to be an ISO 8601 UTC string (with the “Z” suffix). For example: “2021-12-25T23:20:58.128Z”.YYYY-MM-DD Date stringFalse
resolution_typeResolution Type: by_hour, by_day, by_month, by_yearSearch QueryStringFalse
server_typeServer Type: sandbox, production, utility, persistent_desktop_production, persistent_desktop_shadowSearch QueryStringFalse
disk_volume_type_idDisk Volume Type: all, standard, gp2, io1Search QueryStringFalse
datacenter_idLimits the results to a specific Datacenter ID number.Search QueryStringFalse
skip_if_byo_accountTrue/False boolean value determining if BYO results should be returned.Search QueryBooleanFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization Master Images

Returns Maser or "Gold" Image information for the specified Organization for a specified datacenter.


Request Parameters

ParameterDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
external_data_center_idThis ID represents a Frame “external” datacenter ID.Search QueryStringFalse
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \

List Organization User Activity

Returns statistical user activity information for the specified Customer constrained by a date range. Can be ordered by passing a string parameter as well as exclude specified user IDPs.


Request Parameters

NameDescriptionParam TypeData TypeRequired
organization_idYour Frame Organization IDURLStringTrue
from_dateThe beginning date range for the query.Search QueryYYYY-MM-DD Date stringTrue
to_dateThe ending date range for the query.Search QueryYYYY-MM-DD Date stringTrue
orderSpecifies the order of the results. Use “asc” for ascending order, and “desc” for descending order.Search QueryStringFalse
order_bySpecifies the field of which the ordering should occur. For example, “session_start”, “session_duration”, etc.Search QueryStringFalse
skip_user_idpsUser Identity Providers to skip.Search QueryArray (String)False
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Frame-ClientId: ${client_id}" \
-H "X-Frame-Timestamp: ${timestamp}" \
-H "X-Frame-Signature: ${signature}" \